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  • Dilshoda Mubarakova




non-Arab, Arab countries, globalization, geopolitical situation, translated works, Turkic peoples, Arabic literature, written sources, Christian scholars., неарабские, арабские страны, глобализация, геополитическая ситуация, переводные произведения, тюркские народы, арабская литература, письменные источники, христианские ученые


The following article discusses the extent to which the Arabic language is accepted on a global scale, as well as the works written in this language that have been hidden from the public's attention for centuries.  The list of works is divided mainly by region, and from this you can find out how widespread the Arabic language is in the mentioned regions.  The article also provides information about works translated today and in past centuries.  At the end of the article, there is a list of more than 10 most translated Arabic works and brief information about the events written in them. Today, modern Arabic is considered the main "state" language in 22 countries worldwide.  It is the main language for science, literature, political, economic documents, mass media.  Every year, December 18 is widely celebrated around the world as the International Arabic Language Day.  Modern Arabic is the main means of communication and rapprochement for people living in different Arab countries.  Even in independent Uzbekistan, the attention to the Arabic language is high, and the work on various political, economic, and social issues with the Arab countries is the reason for the spread of this language in our country.  30% of the manuscripts stored in the Institute of Oriental Studies of the Academy of Sciences of Uzbekistan were in Arabic, most of them were translated into Uzbek and Russian languages.  But there are also many untranslated manuscripts.  Therefore, there is a great need for specialists who know the Arabic language in our country. Among the 15 major languages ​​in the world, 6 of the languages ​​used in UN meetings are Arabic.  The high level of interest in the Arabic language is sometimes explained by the wealth of high philosophical and oriental views that can be found in this language.  Scientists have been discovering spiritual and cultural information specific to the life of ancient peoples given in this language for years through various methods.


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How to Cite

Mubarakova , D. . (2024). LEARNING THE ARABIC LANGUAGE WORLDWIDE. Sharqshunoslik. Востоковедение. Oriental Studies, 2(03), 11–23. https://doi.org/10.37547./os/vol-02-03-02

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