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Lexical and stylistic characteristics of Chinese educational slogans


  • BOBUR GIYOSOV PhD student, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies


allusion, precision, emotive


Slogans are an important cultural phenomenon that is widely used around the world as a form of social discourse. Slogans are a very important event in the life and culture of the Chinese people. It has such a profound effect on the life and language of the Chinese that it needs to be studied and translated into Uzbek. The following word is used in Chinese to express the word slogan: (biāoyǔ kǒuhào biao yu kou hao). In the authoritative Chinese dictionary, "cí hǎi - Ci Hai" (Sea of Words) has the following interpretation: "kǒuhào (kou hao) is a short and clear phrase that encourages the achievement of certain goals and actions." The linguistic and stylistic features of the slogans are still attracting the attention of many researchers. Slogans are created using language, and the text in the slogans is a product of language. If we say that slogans are the object of linguistic and stylistic research, the presence of many created articles, in turn, indicates the level of study of slogans. This article discusses following issues such as: 1) the etymological origins of educational slogans in China; 2) lexical and methodological features of educational slogans; 3) What groups are they divided into according to their function and purpose?


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郑金洲:《教育口号辨析》,人民大学复印资料《教育学》,1998年12期,28页。. Зҳенг Жинзҳоу: "Дисcриминатион анд Аналйсис оф Эдуcатионал Слоганс", "Педагогй", а cопй оф Ренмин Университй, Но.12,1998. П.28.

林莉, 浙江大学西溪校区教育系 310028, 上海教育科研2000 年 07, 57-59 页。. Лин Ли, Департмент оф Эдуcатион, Хихи Cампус, Зҳежианг Университй 310028, Шангҳаи Эдуcатион анд Ресеарч 07 2000,П.57-59.

习近平谈教育发展:教育兴则国家兴,教育强则国家强. 教育决定着人类的今天,也决定着人类的未来, 教育决定着人类的今天,也决定着人类的未来。人类社会需要通过教育不断培养社会需要的人才,需要通过教育来传授已知、更新旧知、开掘新知、探索未知,从而使人们能够更好认识世界和改造世界、更好创造人类的美好未来。2018年09月10日07:42 来源:人民网-中国共产党新闻网。. Хи Жинпинг талькс абоут тҳе девелопмент оф эдуcатион: тҳе просперитй оф эдуcатион wилл маке тҳе cоунтрй проспероус, анд тҳе стренгтҳ оф эдуcатион wилл маке тҳе cоунтрй стронг. Эдуcатион детерминес тҳе пресент оф манкинд анд тҳе футуре оф манкинд, Эдуcатион детерминес тҳе пресент оф ҳуман беингс анд детерминес тҳе футуре оф ҳуман беингс. Ҳуман соcиетй неэдс то cонтинуоуслй cултивате тҳе талентс неэдед бй тҳе соcиетй тҳроугҳ эдуcатион. Ит неэдс то теач тҳе кноwн, упдате тҳе олд кноwледге, диг неw кноwледге, анд эхплоре тҳе ункноwн тҳроугҳ эдуcатион, со тҳат пеопле cан беттер ундерстанд тҳе wорлд анд трансформ тҳе wорлд, анд беттер cреате а беттер футуре фор манкинд. Септембер 10, 2018 07:42 Соурcэ: Пеоплеъс Даилй Онлине — Чинесе Cоммунист Партй Неwс Нетwорк.




How to Cite

BOBUR GIYOSOV. (2022). Lexical and stylistic characteristics of Chinese educational slogans. Sharqshunoslik. Востоковедение. Oriental Studies, 1(01), 19–20. Retrieved from https://orientalstudies.uz/index.php/os/article/view/276




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