educational slogans, lexical-semantic analysis, structure, political speech, functional analysis, text, speech.Abstract
Recognizing the objective necessity of a multifaceted study of the text, it is possible to single out the main aspects related to the description of the text as a complete literary work, a dynamic communicative unit of the highest level. Understanding the text as a "text in motion" puts its functional aspect first, and the orientation of the text to the communicative process, in addition, attention is paid to the pragmatics of the text.
Functional analysis means that the individual components of the text are considered in terms of their role in organizing the whole text. Consequently, functional analysis helps to reveal the real content qualities of the text. Linguistic signs in the text concretize their content, connect with other language signs and enter into special relations with them that are characteristic of this text; one of the possible meanings of the word is updated, for example, the word completely changes its meaning under the influence of the context (undefined contextual synonyms appear in the dictionary order).
- Functional analysis allows to go beyond the actual linguistic features of the text and move to the analysis of conceptual categories such as "space" and "time" (see: artistic space, artistic time). Functional analysis reveals the importance of these categories in the text.
2. Functional analysis helps to reveal the relationship between the meaning of language units and their meaning in the text. The distinction between the concepts of meaning is very important in the analysis of a text, because it leads to the characteristics of its content. This is revealed even at the level of one word. Meaning objectively reflects the system of communication and relations in the word, which is a stable system, the same for all people.