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Secular statehood and its specific aspects


  • Sayyora SAIDOVA Doctor of Philosophy in Philosophy Ph.D., Chairman of the NGO Council of Young Scientists of the Republic




political factors, socio-political, phenomenon


the secularism of the state as the second main principle of the relationship between politics and religion has long been conceptually formed and, perhaps, has not yet been completed. For the first time, France officially declared its secularism at the end of the 18th century. After the Great Revolution, the French government abandoned the previous system of relations between politics and religion, declaring the secular (secular) character of the new state. However, if for the XVIII century, such a phenomenon was an exception and revolutionary innovation, then in modern conditions, secularism has become a civilizational norm of the position of the state in relation to religion. Today, the political and legal principle of a secular state is proclaimed in the constitutions of Russia, France, Angola, Azerbaijan, Cameroon, Congo, India, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mali, and others. Although there is no direct statement in this regard in the constitutions of certain states, there is talk of a non-religious nature and a characteristic state system. However, the list of countries traditionally considered secular is much wider. This usually includes most European countries, the USA, Canada, etc. However, if the declaration of secularism today has become a generally accepted norm in modern countries, then it is by no means clear to understand the political content of the principle of secularism.


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How to Cite

Sayyora SAIDOVA. (2022). Secular statehood and its specific aspects. Sharqshunoslik. Востоковедение. Oriental Studies, 1(03), 113–119. https://doi.org/10.37547/os/vol-01issue-03-16




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