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Dr. Boymirza Hayit's book "Turkestan: Between Russia and China" is an important source


  • DOSTONJON TAJIEV Trainee-researcher of the Center for Scientific and Applied Research of Public Security Issues of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Uzbekistan




Turkestan, Basmachi, M. Chokaev


This article describes the “dark days” of Turkestan in the past, the Russian invasion, followed by the various policies of the former Soviet government led by the Communist Party, and Dr. Boymira Hayit’s work it is about the historical information given in “Turkestan: Between Russia and China”, an important source. The authentic history covering several centuries presented in the book is a great source of information about the difficult times of our nation. This work, created during the study of important documents and archival data, has retained its relevance even today, as it shows the life of Turkestan and East Turkestan in the 20th century under Russian and Chinese rule based on original historical data. Among them, the real situation in the country is shown in the context of the changes that have occurred in Central Asia, the colonial policy of Czarist Russia. Dr. Boymirza Hayit's book "Turkestan: Between Russia and China" provides researchers with dozens of information about the 20th century. It can be seen from the information in the book that in order to show the history of Turkestan in all colors, the author was able to put aside various stereotypes and tell the real truth clearly, unlike the Soviet historians of that time. In addition, the largest studies in world historiography dedicated to the history of the struggle for the independence of Turkestan in the years 1918-1934 were created in Turkish and German, while Dr. Boymirza Hayit created a blessing in these two languages ​​and left important sources to the generations. It is the historical completeness, and the facts presented on the basis of the sources that increased the value of this book.


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How to Cite

DOSTONJON TAJIEV. (2022). Dr. Boymirza Hayit’s book "Turkestan: Between Russia and China" is an important source. Sharqshunoslik. Востоковедение. Oriental Studies, 1(03), 86–91. https://doi.org/10.37547/os/vol-01issue-03-12




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