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The issue of plot and ideological content harmony in Spujmay Zaryob's stories






Spudjmay, Zaryab, plot


The article is devoted to the study of the stories of the famous Afghan writer Spujmay Zaryob, the disclosure of the plot construction technique and the study of the ideological content of his stories "Our Calligraphy Teacher" and "Song of Independence". When covering the topic, analysis-synthesis, comparative-comparative, historical methods were used. You can learn about the reflection of prose in Afghan literature of the twentieth century from the analysis of the work of Spujmay Zaryab, in particular, two of his articles. The author examines the author’s style of storytelling, the ways in which the events that make up the plot relate to each other in revealing the idea of the story, and the stages of the development of the plot chain. While the author used psychological conflict to reveal the human psyche in stories, he used interpersonal conflicts to show the relationship between society and the individual. In this way, Afghan society revealed the attitudes and lifestyles of ordinary Afghan families. In addition to collisions, in the author’s stories, portraits and figurative expressions are skillfully used, which allowed deeper to reveal the idea of the story. These tales of Spuzhmaya Zaryob are also based on flashbacks and include dreams and fantasy imagery. The article provides a comparative analysis of these two stories, which are not as long as at the time of writing, and highlights the similarities and differences in the ideological content of the stories, as well as in the structure of the plot. Ideologically, one of the stories glorifies humanity, while the other promotes love for the Motherland and its glorification. The analysis reveals the relevance of this ideological content for the plot of the story. From these stories, we can also see that the author made a worthy contribution to Dari literature of the new era, using the modernist style of expression in Dari literature.


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How to Cite

AFZUNA NAZAROVA. (2022). The issue of plot and ideological content harmony in Spujmay Zaryob’s stories. Sharqshunoslik. Востоковедение. Oriental Studies, 1(03), 43–50. https://doi.org/10.37547/os/vol-01issue-03-06




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