Toponyms in the works of foreign tourists who visited Central Asia in the 19th century as a source for studying the ethnic-social structure of the population
Travel diary, social, stratificationAbstract
The state analyzes the role of autonyms in the study of the ethnic-social composition of the population of the Emirate of Bukhara, the Khiva and Kokand khanates, which are found in the "guides" created on the basis of the travel memories of the Tursi Yussi. and officials who visited Central Asia in the 19th century. We know that ethnotoponyms, as a special type of toponyms, reflect the composition of the population of a particular area and the socio-economic processes associated with them, as well as traditions and values.
Consideration of ethnotoponyms from the point of view of source studies and historiography on the basis of well-known sources is one of the most important issues of historical toponymy. A comparative analysis of the names of historical places from different sources, the ethnic composition of the population of the corresponding area, demographic processes, and factors that influenced them is also carried out. From this point of view, the scientific problem studied in this article serves to study the ethnic-social structure and strata of the population of the Central Asian khanates according to foreign sources in the region, to fill in some vague gaps not mentioned in local sources.
The main purpose of the study is to recognize the initial value of toponyms in the study of the ethnic-social composition of the population of the Emirate of Bukhara, the Khiva and Kokand khanates, to determine their prestige in society, territorial identity, and place in social terms. - business life. Given the fact that ethnotoponyms are a multifaceted historical source, it is also intended to provide a scientific justification for their ability to reflect the social stratification of society.
The article uses such research methods as systematic analysis, chronological, problem-chronological, as well as toponymic stratification, toponymic stratification of toponyms, and genetic analysis used in historical research.
The study found that the role of travel notes as a common source and ethnotoponyms in them are an additional source in reflecting the ethnic-social composition of the population of Central Asia. The toponyms associated with the ethnic-social structure of the population were classified, and the features of their origin and the theoretical and practical aspects of their study in the socio-economic and ethnic history of the khanate were analyzed.
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