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Strategies and tactics in simultaneous translation






Simultaneous translation, strategy, semantic-stylistic


The role and characteristics of simultaneous translation (ST) in the general system of translation are very wide, and deeper knowledge and skills are required from the simultaneous translator. The translator uses a simultaneous interpretation of different types of interpretation, in particular, semantic translation from serial translation and different forms and methods. The translation is also a unique bridge that connects these cultures. Whether it is a written translation or an oral translation, to a certain degree it creates an exchange and acquaintance of cultures. Every language reflects the worldview, psyche, and identity of that nation. It gives a heavier task for the translator when performing the translation. Today, simultaneous translation is widely used in meetings of heads of state and international conferences. It is natural that the main topic of such simultaneous translation processes is about politics and the political environment in the neighboring and international arena. In carrying out political translation, an experienced translator always takes into account the hidden ambiguity in the speaker’s speech. This is because, in the political context of a country, a word that has a positive meaning often has a negative meaning when it is simultaneously translated into another language. It is no coincidence that "Politics is an art." After all, various political metaphors and euphemisms are often used in politics. Therefore, on the one hand, in the process of simultaneous translation, the translator works with traditional phrases, the practical, auxiliary essence of which is clear to him. On the other hand, he works with the message the politician is sending and therefore has to clearly understand to whom it is actually addressed. A knowledgeable interpreter of the political context and subtleties of diplomatic language allows the translator to clearly convey all the emphasized aspects of the message and, if necessary, to add that emotional-expressive tone to the text. This article analyses the presentation of political vocabulary in the Arabic-Uzbek combination of simultaneous translation, the Arabic units of address used in the process of simultaneous translation on a political topic for heads of state and officials in Arab states through various examples and evidence.

 Simultaneous translation, strategy, the semantic-stylistic structure of communication, dynamic, statistical, waiting strategy, and serial translation.


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How to Cite

NADIRA YUNUSOVA. (2022). Strategies and tactics in simultaneous translation. Sharqshunoslik. Востоковедение. Oriental Studies, 1(02), 52–57. https://doi.org/10.37547/os/vol-01issue-02-08




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