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Theoretical foundations of the poetics of medieval Chinese literature


  • JASUR ZIYAMUKHAMEDOV Doctor of Philological Sciences, Tashkent State University of Oriental Studies


Chinese literature, мiddle аges, genres


Fiction, along with life, is capable of renewal, growth and development, has an inexhaustible power of creation, and the art of speech, embodying the same trait, develops, reflecting the emerging innovations in social life. The achievements and glory of every nation where fiction develops quickly spread around the world and attract the attention of millions of people. Therefore, in our country, along with all spheres of society, much attention is paid to the bright pages of a complex and glorious history, all types of art that express the truth of the time, in particular, fiction. Indeed, fiction is one of the foundations that form and support the spiritual and moral values of humanity and the nation. Works in the history of world literature, artistically interpreting universal ideas, high spiritual and educational concepts, excellent moral qualities, become the property of mankind. In this regard, Chinese literature, the work of talented writers of its history, has always attracted the attention of enlightened readers, as well as literary critics, with its poetic originality and unique stylistic features.

The term “poetics” has long been known in the literature. It is known that it originated in Greece, a country where literature is an integral part of culture, and many famous scientists studied the poetics of literary texts. Later, M. Bakhtin, G. Vinokur, V. Zhirmunsky, A. Skaftimov, V. Vinogradov paid serious attention to the problem of poetics in their works. Ancient Chinese prose often differs from other Eastern peoples in its conciseness. The prose of the post-Han period tended to be more descriptive. Over time, he became more and more perfect. The article discusses the important features of the theoretical foundations of medieval Chinese literature, as well as scientific research aimed at studying the prose works of Chinese classical literature and their poetics.







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