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China's technological development is a new factor in the formation of China's "soft power"






China, Central Asia, digitalization


The article analyzes the dynamics of strengthening the technological potential of China, measures taken by the state to elevate China as a world technological power, the mechanisms for building a broad partnership with the Central Asian countries in the field of ICT and digitalization, including the construction of a "safe and smart city" system, the distribution of well-known Chinese brands and others. The author considers the technological development of China as the most important tool of "soft power", the strategic goals to which the Celestial Empire attaches great importance.


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How to Cite

ABBOS BOBOHONOV. (2022). China’s technological development is a new factor in the formation of China’s "soft power". Sharqshunoslik. Востоковедение. Oriental Studies, 1(02), 139–147. https://doi.org/10.37547/os/vol-01issue-02-20




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