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The first results of Amir Temur's Middle East policy


  • ULUGBEK ABDULLAEV candidate of history, associate professor, TDSU




“Three-year campaign”, “Five-year campaign”, “Seven-year campaign”


During his many years of activity, Amir Temur tirelessly fought for the creation and strengthening of a strong centralized state to realize his political goals. The activities of Amir Temur in the countries of the Near and Middle East should be considered as a logical continuation of this policy, as its integral part. First of all, it is important to determine the purpose for which Amir Temur undertook these campaigns. If we approach the process of historical events objectively, it is easy to see that Amir Temur undertook these campaigns not only for the purpose of conquest. This is clearly evidenced by the fact that he did not include Gurzhistan, Sham (Syria) and the lands belonging to the Ottoman Turks in the composition of his state. Arabic and Persian sources devoted to the activities of Amir Temur contain partial information about his policy and diplomatic relations with the countries of the Middle East, but scientific studies created at the beginning of the 20th-21st centuries contain only brief reflections on this issue. Their generalization and in-depth analysis are important for clarifying the Uzbek statehood and diplomatic relations, determining the place and role of Amir Temur in the history of the peoples of the East.


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Muiniddin Natanziy. Sohibqiron hayotidan lavhalar. “Jahon adabiyoti” jurnali, 2006, 4-son, B. 11-12.

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Ibn Arabshoh. Amir Temur tarixi (Temur tarixida taqdir ajoyibotlari) /So‘z boshi, arab tilidan tarjima va izohlarni filologiya fanlari nomzodi U.Uvatov tayyorlagan. Masʼul muharrir A.O‘rinboyev. I-kitob. Toshkent, “Mehnat” 1992. – B.115.

Shiltberger Iogann. Puteshestviye Ioganna Shiltbergera po Yevrope, Azii i Afrike s 1394 g. po 1427 g. (Шильтбергер Иоганн. Путешествие Иоганна Шильтбергера по Европе, Азии и Африке с 1394 г. по 1427 г.). Toshkent, “Sharq” NMK 1997. – S. 39.

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How to Cite

ULUGBEK ABDULLAEV. (2022). The first results of Amir Temur’s Middle East policy. Sharqshunoslik. Востоковедение. Oriental Studies, 1(02), 93–98. https://doi.org/10.37547/os/vol-01issue-02-14




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