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Diary genre in the works of contemporary Arab writer Jamal al-Ghitani


  • DILAFRUZ MUKHIDDINOVA Doctor of Philological Sciences (DSc), Associate Professor, TSUOS.




diary, memoirs, letter, Sufism


As we know, reminiscences are considered to be memoirs, a literary work where the author describes recollections of events in which he himself directly participated or witnessed in the past. Memoir works are close to documentary - historical essays, scientific biographies in terms of their presentation, lack of systematicity in the plot of events, observance of the order of time, the characteristics of the diary, the reliability of the material and the absence of fiction. Diary entries in the works of Jamal al-Ghitani have existed since the very beginning of his creative activity. Of course, in these diaries, historical events in the past were syncretized along with today's events, and as a result of the significant influence of the "new wave" current, the writer creates his new style by searching for a specific style, introducing new themes. Jamal al-Ghitani was one of the famous writers of Egyptian literature, a disciple and successor of Najib Mahfouz. His most famous works are the novels "Az-Zainil barakat", "Risalatun Phil vaidi" and "S-sababa". In the 80s of the 20th century, he created the novels "Ar-Rafiiy", "Risalatun Phil vaidi and-S-sababa". The last novel reflects the impressions received in Uzbekistan, reveals the mental crisis of the Egyptian intelligentsia and ways out of this crisis by the writer during the trip. The writer tries to modernize the folk heritage of Egypt, recreates the features of oral folk art in his works, using historical sources, diaries and documents, as well as the works of Islamic Sufis. But all this is just material for describing modernity, revealing the relationship between the individual and society, human feelings and fantasies.


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Таржималар битирув малакавий иши муаллифиники.




How to Cite

DILAFRUZ MUKHIDDINOVA. (2022). Diary genre in the works of contemporary Arab writer Jamal al-Ghitani. Sharqshunoslik. Востоковедение. Oriental Studies, 1(02), 10–17. https://doi.org/10.37547/os/vol-01issue-02-02




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